Cambri Innovation Summit Featured Image 2

How Iterative Testing & AI Drive NPD Success

With Cambri | Part of the Innovation Insights Summit Oct 2023

  • on-demand webinar
  • NPD (New Product Development)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Concept Testing
  • User Testing
  • Product Testing
  • Prototype Testing
  • Predictive Analytics

Learn how iterative testing & AI using the Cambri solution help Carlsberg to make 3 out of every 4 product launches a success.

Over 30,000 products launch every year and most fail. Why is there a general acceptance that innovation is hard and that high failure rates are to be expected and tolerated?

It does not have to be this way.

In this session Cambri Co-Founder and CMO Dani Kamras will share how customers like Carlsberg are breaking this cycle of futility and seeing 3 out of 4 launches succeed.

Dani will explain how to combine agile and iterative consumer testing with data-driven AI prediction and advice. This turns innovation success on its head and makes failed launches a thing of the past.


Part of the Innovation Insights Summit: sign up once for access to all sessions and recordings

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Learn how iterative testing & AI using the Cambri solution help Carlsberg to make 3 out of every 4 product launches a success.

Over 30,000 products launch every year and most fail. Why is there a general acceptance that innovation is hard and that high failure rates are to be expected and tolerated?

It does not have to be this way.

In this session Cambri Co-Founder and CMO Dani Kamras will share how customers like Carlsberg are breaking this cycle of futility and seeing 3 out of 4 launches succeed.

Dani will explain how to combine agile and iterative consumer testing with data-driven AI prediction and advice. This turns innovation success on its head and makes failed launches a thing of the past.

Please login below or register for a free Insight Platforms account to watch videos.


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