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The Lean Insight Toolbox Part 1: Gathering Minimum Viable Evidence

Lean insight is characterised by comfort with 'minimal viable evidence' using free and low cost data sources, smartphone qual and automated survey tools

Market Map: CX Feedback Tools

Here’s a market map of CX feedback tools: Click here to download the high-res version with clickable links I’m defining the CX Feedback category as...

The Lean Insight Toolbox Part 3: Getting to the Five Whys

The 'Five Whys' - digging and probing for root cause understanding - underpins lean insight, and is also fundamental to new qualitative research approaches

Market Map: Research and Knowledge Management Platforms

Market map of research & knowledge management platforms: qualitative data analysis, user research repositories and enterprise insight management software.

Five digital CX feedback tools

If you saw this market map of CX feedback tools, you could be forgiven for asking, “is there really any difference between all those tools in...

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